Currently studying: Analytic Number Theory and various Algebra topics.
I participate in Competitive Programming. You can find me on Codeforces, DMOJ etc.
Past Work
I used to participate in Math Olympiads. My subtopic preference was A > C = N >>> G. You can find me on AoPS (where I rarely post) as polarity. In high school, I ran Math et al and was part of OCMC, both educational STEM initiatives.
I did a bit of Physics Research for the Canadian Young Physicists Tournament. My focus was on fluid dynamics, researching phenomena relating to fractals patterns in alcohol-ink droplets.
Past Achievements
Most notable achievements:
ICPC British Columbia Bronze
COMC Champion
CSMC Champion
Sillied this award the year before
IYPT Physics World Cup National Finalist
Top 15 nationwide in the CaYPT
Canadian Math Olympiad Top Quartile
Score was CJMO Champion if I took that