While I was attempting this problem, I misread it after writing it down on paper and instead solved
Here the sum is over positive integers (x,y) satisfying xy≤n, rather than x,y≤n. In my opinion it turned out more interesting than the original one, so I wanted to share.
Compute S=∑xy≤nxygcd(x,y) in O(nlogn).
—Source: Accidental misread
Setting up notation first, let M be set of multiplicative functions, and * be the Dirichlet
product, then (M,∗) is an abelian group. Let
I, τ, ϕ be the
identity, divisor count, divisor sum, Mobius, and totient functions
respectively. Note that they are all multiplicative.
Write k=xy so that we can iterate over k as follows:
Key Lemma
Note here that d does not represent the same iterator, but I kept the variable name anyways.
Proof of Lemma.
A cool fact is that any sum of a product of multiplicative functions with the form of the left side is multiplicative. We can define here
f(d2)={0ϕ(d)d is not a squareotherwise
Note that f is multiplicative, and the left side is actually f∗τ, making it multiplicative.
We can verify the right side is multiplicative too, with just the textbook approach. One can notice that if gcd(p,q)=1, d∣pq⟹d=rs, where r∣p and s∣q. Also, gcd(rs,pq/(rs))=gcd(r,p/r)gcd(s,q/s). Therefore,
It remains to simply check both sides coincide at prime powers:
So we’re done. The sum telescopes in the middle. □
The goal here was to turn the sum into one consisting of multiplicative functions, so we can try applying Dirichlet’s Hyperbola Method.
We can quickly make the observation d2≤k≤n, and it looks promising to try iterating over
d≤n instead:
Now k has a really simple characterization: it is just d2α
for α≤n/d2. Let’s iterate over α,
So we would be happy if we can compute partial sums of Iτ quickly,
luckily it is multiplicative and simple enough, so let’s try to write it as a Dirichlet product:
Using the Hyperbola Method on partial sums of Iτ, choose splitting point pq=s:
Of course, partial sums of I is an O(1) calculation, we can optimally choose p=q=n, making the Iτ calculation O(n).
Now to resolve
We can linear sieve the first n values of ϕ in the S sum at no additional symptotic cost. Thus the total time complexity is