High School Olympiads, Part 1

Written Jun 1, 2024, Unpublished

#math #contests

Here are some math olympiad problems I solved in high school, sometimes with remarks and commentary. This is part one, I will publish more problems and solutions over time. There might be a lot of parts… These are mostly solved during 2021-2024, and I will somewhat publish problems in chronological order of when I solved them but not really.

Problem 1, USAMTS 4/1/31

A group of 100100 friends stands in a circle. Initially, one person has 20192019 mangoes, and no one else has mangoes. The friends split the mangoes according to the following rules: sharing: to share, a friend passes two mangoes to the left and one mango to the right. eating: the mangoes must also be eaten and enjoyed. However, no friend wants to be selfish and eat too many mangoes. Every time a person eats a mango, they must also pass another mango to the right. A person may only share if they have at least three mangoes, and they may only eat if they have at least two mangoes. The friends continue sharing and eating, until so many mangoes have been eaten that no one is able to share or eat anymore. Show that there are exactly eight people stuck with mangoes, which can no longer be shared or eaten.

—USAMTS 4/1/31

Solution 1

Index the friends from 0 to 99 clockwise around the circle and let fm,if_{m, i} denote the amount of mangoes the iith friend has after mm moves of sharing or eating. WLOG f0,0=2019f_{0, 0} = 2019.


For any nonnegative integer mm, i=0992ifm,i2019(mod21001)\sum_{i = 0}^{99} 2^i f_{m, i} \equiv 2019 \pmod{2^{100} - 1}.

Proof of Lemma. We proceed by induction. The base case m=0m = 0 is trivial. Consider having friend a{0,1,,99}a \in \{0, 1, \dots, 99 \} share or eat their mangoes on the mmth move. If they share, (here in any term 2ifm,i2^i f_{m, i} we always take ii modulo 100)

20192a1fm1,a1+2afm1,a+2a+1fm1,a+12019 \equiv 2^{a - 1} f_{m - 1, a - 1} + 2^a f_{m - 1, a} + 2^{a + 1} f_{m - 1, a + 1}
2a1(fm,a1+2)+2a(fm,a3)+2a+1(fm,a+1+1)(mod21001)\equiv 2^{a - 1} (f_{m, a - 1} + 2) + 2^a (f_{m, a} - 3) + 2^{a + 1} (f_{m, a + 1} + 1) \pmod{2^{100} - 1}

If they eat,

20192afm,a+2a+1fm,a+12019 \equiv 2^a f_{m, a} + 2^{a + 1} f_{m, a + 1}
2a(fm,a2)+2a+1(fm,a+1+1)(mod21001)\equiv 2^a (f_{m, a} - 2) + 2^{a + 1} (f_{m, a + 1} + 1) \pmod{2^{100} - 1}

We need the modulo 210012^{100} - 1 to account for boundary conditions when a{0,99}a \in \{0, 99\}. And thus the lemma is true after move mm. \square

Now, if no one is able to eat or share after move nn, everyone must have exactly one or zero mangoes.

S=i=0992ifn,i2019(mod21001)S = \sum_{i = 0}^{99} 2^i f_{n, i} \equiv 2019 \pmod{2^{100} - 1}

Where fn,i{0,1}f_{n, i} \in \{0, 1\}. Clearly then S=2019S = 2019. The base 2 repesentation of 20192019 contains 8 digit ones. Hence there must be exactly eight people with mangoes as desired. \blacksquare

Remark 1

I remember spending a lot of time on this and was very satisfied with finding the idea.

Problem 2, 1999 Romania TST P4

Let x1,,xn>0x_1, \dots, x_n > 0 be positive reals satisfying x1xn=1x_1 \dots x_n = 1. Prove that

1n1+x1+1n1+x2++1n1+xn1.\frac{1}{n - 1 + x_1} + \frac{1}{n - 1 + x_2} + \dots + \frac{1}{n - 1 + x_n} \le 1.

—1999 Romania TST Problem 4

Solution 2

n=1n = 1 is trivial. Henceforth we assume n2n \geq 2. This looks like f(xi)\sum f(x_i) and ideal for Jensen/Karamata, but unfortunately we don’t have xi\sum x_i as a condition, but xi\prod x_i instead.

Let’s force a sum condition by taking logarithms! Write yi=ln(xi)y_i = \ln(x_i) and f(x)=1n1+exf(x) = \frac{1}{n - 1 + e^x}. Then we wish to prove, subject to yi=0\sum y_i = 0,

f(yi)1\sum f(y_i) \leq 1

Of course, we now consider the convexity of ff.

f(x)=(e2x(n1)ex)/(ex+n1)3.f''(x) = (e^{2x} - (n - 1)e^x)/(e^x + n - 1)^3.

ff has only one inflection point, namely x=ln(n1)x = \ln(n - 1). We are in perfect condition to apply the n1n - 1 EV principle. We prove that there exist reals z1=z2==zn1z_1 = z_2 = \dots = z_{n - 1}, znz_n also satisfying zi=0\sum z_i = 0 such that f(yi)f(zi)\sum f(y_i) \le f(z_i).

If one or less of yiy_i lie in (ln(n1),)(\ln(n - 1), \infty), we are done by Jensen’s Inequality on the rest of yiy_i. Then assume for k2k \geq 2 and yiy_i nonincreasing, exactly y1,y2,,yky_1, y_2, \dots, y_k lie in (ln(n1),)(\ln(n - 1), \infty), where ff is convex. Set tn=y1+y2++yk(k1)ln(n1)t_n = y_1 + y_2 + \dots + y_k - (k - 1)\ln(n - 1) and t1=t2==tk1=ln(n1)t_1 = t_2 = \dots = t_{k - 1} = \ln(n - 1). Note (tn,t1,t2,,tk1)(y1,y2,,yk)(t_n, t_1, t_2, \dots, t_{k - 1}) \succ (y_1, y_2, \dots, y_k) and by Karamata’s Inequality,

i=1kf(yi)f(tn)+i=1k1f(ti)\sum_{i = 1}^k f(y_i) \leq f(t_n) + \sum_{i = 1}^{k - 1} f(t_i)

Hence by Jensen’s,

f(yi)f(tn)+i=1n1f(ti)f(tn)+(n1)f(i=1n1tin1)\sum f(y_i) \leq f(t_n) + \sum_{i = 1}^{n - 1} f(t_i) \leq f(t_n) + (n - 1) f\left(\frac{\sum_{i = 1}^{n - 1} t_i}{n - 1}\right)

So we are done setting znz_n accordingly.

Now without loss of generality, we may assume y=y1=y2==yn1y = y_1 = y_2 = \dots = y_{n - 1}, and note yn=(n1)yy_n = -(n - 1)y. It remains to prove

n1n1+ey+1n1+e(n1)y1\frac{n - 1}{n - 1 + e^y} + \frac{1}{n - 1 + e^{-(n - 1)y}} \leq 1
    (n2)ey+e(n2)yn1\iff (n - 2) e^y + e^{-(n - 2)y} \geq n - 1

Which is immediately obvious by Weighted Power Mean. \blacksquare

Problem 3, ISL 2004 A5

If aa, bb, cc are three positive real numbers such that ab+bc+ca=1ab+bc+ca = 1, prove that

1a+6b3+1b+6c3+1c+6a31abc.\sqrt[3]{ \frac{1}{a} + 6b} + \sqrt[3]{\frac{1}{b} + 6c} + \sqrt[3]{\frac{1}{c} + 6a} \le \frac{1}{abc}.

—IMO Shortlist 2004 A5

Solution 3

We wish to prove

cycabc1a+6b31\sum_{cyc} abc\sqrt[3]{\frac{1}{a} + 6b} \leq 1
    cyc(abc)(a1a+6b3)1\iff \sum_{cyc} (\sqrt{a}bc) \left(\sqrt{a}\sqrt[3]{\frac{1}{a} + 6b} \right) \leq 1

By Cauchy’s,

cyc(abc)(a1a+6b3)(cycab2c2)(cyca(1+6ab)23)\sum_{cyc} (\sqrt{a}bc) \left(\sqrt{a}\sqrt[3]{\frac{1}{a} + 6b} \right) \leq \left (\sum_{cyc} ab^2c^2 \right) \left (\sum_{cyc} \sqrt[3]{a(1 + 6ab)^2} \right)

By Holder’s,

(cycab2c2)(cyca(1+6ab)23)abc(cyca)(cyc1+6ab)23\left(\sum_{cyc} ab^2c^2 \right) \left (\sum_{cyc} \sqrt[3]{a(1 + 6ab)^2} \right) \leq abc \sqrt[3]{\left(\sum_{cyc} a\right)\left(\sum_{cyc} 1 + 6ab \right)^2}

It remains to prove (abc)3(a+b+c)181(abc)^3(a + b + c) \leq \frac{1}{81} Which is clear by the identities (abc)2(ab+bc+ca3)3(abc)^2 \leq (\frac{ab + bc + ca}{3})^3 and 3abc(a+b+c)(ab+bc+ca)23abc(a + b + c) \leq (ab + bc + ca)^2. \blacksquare

Remark 3

I remember being really tired but doing this in 10 minutes on my bed somehow. It’s a good problem to test algebraic intuition, maybe kind of easy for A5.

Problem 4, CMO 2018 P3

Two positive integers aa and bb are prime-related if either a/ba/b or b/ab/a is prime. Find all positive integers nn with at least three divisors for which it’s possible to arrange all the divisors of nn in a circle, so that any two adjacent divisors are prime-related.

—Canada MO 2018 Problem 3

Solution 4

We claim that the solution set is all positive integers nn not a perfect square or a prime power. Call a valid configuration of nn a circle expansion of nn, a tuple (d0,d1,dm)(d_0, d_1, \dots d_m) going clockwise around the circle where did_i are the distinct divisors of nn and di+1modm+1di{p,1p}\frac{d_{i + 1 \mod m + 1}}{d_i} \in \{p, \frac{1}{p}\} for all i{0,1,,m}i \in \{0, 1, \dots, m\}.

We first show that n=pan = p^a is not circle expandable for some prime pp and positive integer a2a \geq 2. Consider 11 on the circle. WLOG pp is adjacent to 11 in the clockwise direction. Then note, p2p^2 must be adjacent to pp, and in general pkp^k is adjacent to pk1p^{k - 1} in the clockwise direction. However, that means pap^a, after wrapping around the circle, is adjacent to 11. Contradiction. We also show that n=i=1kpiain = \prod_{i = 1}^k p_i^{a_i}, for distinct primes pip_i and positive integers aia_i, fails when 2ai2 \mid a_i for all aia_i. Note that there are an odd amount of divisors on the circle, each i=1kpibi\prod_{i = 1}^k p_i^{b_i} for some distinct tuple of nonnegative integers (bi)i=1k(b_i)_{i = 1}^k. Then consider i=1kbi\sum_{i = 1}^k b_i. Starting at 11, the sum is 0, and increases or decreases by 1 for each clockwise adjacent divisor. Since there are an odd number of divisors, the divisor adjacent to 1 counterclockwise must have an even bib_i sum, impossible if it is a prime, contradiction.\ \ Now we prove that all nn with more than one prime divisor and not a perfect square works. Then we can write n=pakn = p^a \cdot k, for some prime pp, odd integer aa, and positive integer k2k \geq 2 such that pkp \nmid k.


Any positive integer k2k \geq 2 can be weak circle expanded, or have its divisors be written as a tuple (d0,d1,dm)(d_0, d_1, \dots d_m) where di+1modm+1di{p,1p}\frac{d_{i + 1 \mod m + 1}}{d_i} \in \{p, \frac{1}{p}\} for all i{0,1,,m1}i \in \{0, 1, \dots, m - 1\}.

Proof of Lemma. Note we can weakly circle expand qbq^b for prime qq and positive integer bb into (1,q,q2,,qb)(1, q, q^2, \dots, q^b). Now assume we can weakly circle expand kk and we prove that we can also weakly circle expand kqbk q^b where qkq \nmid k, which will finish the proof by the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Consider a weak circle expansion A=(1,)A = (1, \dots) of kk and let B=(,1)B = (\dots, 1) be AA reversed. Note A+qB+q2A++qbXA + qB + q^2 A + \dots + q^b X is a valid weak circle expansion, where ++ denotes tuple concatenation, multiplication denotes tuple scaling, and XX is AA or BB when bb is even or odd, respectively. \square

Then weakly circle expand kk into (1,)(1, \dots) and let A=()A = (\dots) denote the expansion without the 1 (note the expansion of kk contains two or more divisors), let BB be AA reversed, and note that

(1)+(p)+(p2)++(pa)+paA+pa1B+pa2A++p0B(1) + (p) + (p^2) + \dots + (p^a) + p^a A + p^{a - 1}B + p^{a - 2} A + \dots + p^0 B

Is a valid circle expansion, where ++ denotes tuple concatenation, and multiplication denotes tuple scaling. \blacksquare

Problem 5, China MO 2019 P1

For real numbers a,b,c,d,e1a,b,c,d,e \ge -1 satisfying a+b+c+d+e=5a+b+c+d+e = 5, determine the minimum and maximum possible values of

S=(a+b)(b+c)(c+d)(d+e)(e+a)S = (a+b)(b+c)(c+d)(d+e)(e+a)

—China MO 2019 Problem 1

Solution 5

The maximum is 288 and the minimum is 512-512, with equality at (1,1,1,1,9)(-1, -1, -1, -1, 9) and (1,1,1,4,4)(-1, -1, -1, 4, 4) respectively. Let (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5)=(a+b,c+d,e+a,b+c,d+e)(x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4, x_5) = (a + b, c + d, e + a, b + c, d + e). The conditions become xi=10\sum x_i = 10 and xi+xi+16x_i + x_{i + 1} \leq 6 (cyclically), where xi=S\prod x_i = S. We can assume none of xix_i are zero. First we prove that

S288S \leq 288

We only need to consider the cases where an even number of xix_i are negative. If it is zero,

xi(xi5)5=32\prod x_i \leq \left (\frac{\sum x_i}{5} \right )^5 = 32

If it is two, note that xi2x_i \geq -2. There must be two cyclically consecutive positive xix_i, so that their sum is at most 6 and product thus at most 9. The last xix_i is clearly at most 88, since xi+6xi+16(2)x_i + \leq 6 - x_{i + 1} \leq 6 - (-2). Hence,

xi(2)298=288\prod x_i \leq (-2)^2 \cdot 9 \cdot 8 = 288

If four are negative, the last one is at most 8, and xi(2)48<288\prod x_i \leq (-2)^4 \cdot 8 < 288 Now to prove the lower bound, we only consider when one or three of xix_i are negative (five is impossible). If it is one, WLOG x1<0x_1 < 0,

xi(2)(i1xi)(2)(xix14)4(2)(3)4>512\prod x_i \geq (-2) \left (\prod_{i \not = 1} x_i \right ) \geq (-2) \left (\frac{\sum x_i - x_1}{4} \right )^4 \geq (-2)(3)^4 > -512

If it is three, each of the other two xix_i are at most 8,

xi(2)3(8)2=512\prod x_i \geq (-2)^3 (8)^2 = -512

And we are done. \blacksquare

Remark 5

I remember someone saying “least contrived chinese inequality:” on the AoPS thread. I cannot agree more.

Problem 6, TSTST 2018 P8

For which positive integers b>2b > 2 do there exist infinitely many positive integers nn such that n2n^2 divides bn+1b^n+1?

—USA Team Selection Test Selection Test Problem 8

Solution 6

The answer is all bb such b+1b + 1 is not a power of 2. We first prove that such bb work. We prove that if nn works, then there exists odd prime pnp \nmid n so that pnpn works. By Zsigmondy’s theorem, there exists odd prime pp such ordp(b)=2n\text{ord}_p(b) = 2n. Note that pnp \nmid n and pbp \nmid b. Now,

bpn+1(1)p+10(modp)b^{pn} + 1 \equiv (-1)^p + 1 \equiv 0 \pmod p

And by lifting the exponent lemma,

vp(bpn+1)=vp(bn+1)+vp(p)2v_p(b^{pn} + 1) = v_p(b^n + 1) + v_p(p) \geq 2

So we are done (note bpn+10(modn2)b^{pn} + 1 \equiv 0 \pmod {n^2}). We also easily have at least one such nn, simply find an odd prime pp such pb+1p \mid b + 1, and note vp(bp+1)=vp(b+1)+12v_p(b^p + 1) = v_p(b + 1) + 1 \geq 2. Now we prove that b=2t1b = 2^t - 1 fail. Consider some n>1n > 1 that works, and its smallest prime factor pp. Note nn must be odd, and p>2p > 2 (otherwise contradiction modulo 4).

bn+10(modp)    ordp(b)gcd(2n,p1)b^n + 1 \equiv 0 \pmod p \implies \text{ord}_p(b) \mid \gcd(2n, p - 1)

Also, ordp(b)n\text{ord}_p(b) \nmid n, so ordp(b)=2\text{ord}_p(b) = 2. So,

(2t1)21(modp)    2t(2t2)0(modp)(2^t - 1)^2 \equiv 1 \pmod p \iff 2^t(2^t - 2) \equiv 0 \pmod p
    2t1b1(modp)\iff 2^{t} - 1 \equiv b \equiv 1 \pmod p

Which implies ordp(b)=1\text{ord}_p(b) = 1, contradiction. \blacksquare

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